Corporate policy
More network! More connection! More safety!
To achieve this, we use everything that defines us: imagination, passion and skill. We go our own way with full conviction. We create lasting values. With everything we do, we are already thinking about the next generations. We network industrial sites, data centers, radio mast sites, cities and districts. We connect networks with each other and help build the Germany-wide high-speed network.
1. Customer-oriented thinking and actions
In accordance with our mission, we want to provide our customers with high-quality services and products and strive for the highest level of customer satisfaction. Our network for your success. For them as well as for social, public and private institutions, we plan and sell high-quality services in the areas of: turnkey services, planning, project planning and implementation of fiber optic routes, operation and management of fiber optic networks and system technology stations, support with network coupling to third-party fiber optic infrastructures, support network coupling to international fiber optic networks and other consulting and construction services for fiber optic networks.
2. Continuous improvement
We define our quality and environmental goals, break them down to individual departments and pursue them in order to continuously improve our services and reduce environmental impact. Our quality and environmentally relevant processes and areas are continuously checked and optimized.
3. Environmental protection and climate protection
Protecting the environment and the climate is part of our actions. When applying processes and using raw materials, auxiliary materials, energy, water and other goods, we strive for sustainable, ongoing improvement to save energy and raw materials and improve environmental performance.
4. Leadership
Promoting quality, safety and environmental awareness as well as personal responsibility, competence and flexibility is an ongoing task for our managers. The task of every manager is to live and achieve our corporate goals. Joint planning and implementation of quality and environmental projects, personal role models, and a leadership style aimed at participation strengthen the quality, safety and environmental awareness of employees.
5. Compliance with applicable legal, regulatory and contractual requirements
We undertake to comply with the legal regulations that apply to us, public law requirements and other obligations that are binding on us. We do not compromise on the basic requirements of security and human rights. We define child labor according to Article 32.1 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and we do not accept child labor under any circumstances! We have no room for corruption and bribery.